Dyson Demo retail stores and service centre
The best way to understand Dyson technology is to experience it and in 2020 Dyson ANZ got the green light to begin store fit outs in 3 Sydney locations. The stores are an opportunity for new and existing customers to experience the technology and access support.
My role as part of the Creative Hub in Dyson ANZ was to ensure our stores provided the best possible experience for customers which included ensuring all signage, product graphics and animated screens were optimised for an in-store experience. I produced custom content for animated screens to provide information to customers that related to products around them. In addition to this, I produced graphics to aid demo staff when showing off the product range.
Overall this project spanned 6+ months and included close work with key stakeholders within the organisation.
The newly completed light rail runs right outside the store which I identified as a great opportunity to develop a tram wrap that would advertise the store’s location. I worked with key stakeholders to secure funding and worked with Transport Sydney to develop a wrap that would make the most of the available space and showcase the Dyson brand in the best possible way. The tram wrap was live for 2 months and feedback from store staff was customers were frequently using the “Dyson tram” to reach the store.